February 12, 2010

Venere, veni a Venezia

Si, signore. In our dreams...

Carnivale! The romance of Valentines day dancing with the eerie-ness of Halloween. The closest thing we have to it in our area that I know of is the German club's Karnival where men dress up in tutus and serve spaghetti (!) and things get stranger as the night progresses.  We're not too far from New Orleans and some lucky friends go to Mardi Gras, but me, I'd rather be with my love in Venice...forse l'anno venturo.

There are many Greco-Roman antecedents to this modern Bacchanalia and perhaps it's a good thing I don't have enough time to go into to them now (I have a life offline - and a job).  Lupercalia, Parentalia, Ferialia, Anthesteria, Veneralia, Dionysia, all happen in February or early March...yes we really should do a Lupercalia  again...
Che un bello kanino!  
Sophia would look good in that costume too (hey little girl why are you running away?)

On the auspicious day of Tyche-Fortuna
I drew two cards, 
one from the front and one from the back of the deck.  
Lo and behold they are my own two significators 
earth and water, they are me,
the Queen of Pentacles and the Queen of Cups.  
Perfect costumes for Carnival.  
Indeed, most any of Ciro's cards  would make 
a good masquerade.
Drawing the Queen of Pentacles
after the Emperor card 
showing up so frequently 
reminds me of this
Which in turn reminds me of this

Yes, the Wild Hunt destroys, but to create something better.
Now they are in the mood for revelry - Voliamo a Venezia!