...let a basket of millet accompany cakes of millet
The rural goddess particularly delights in food such as that
And viands and pails of milk, such as she loves...
face east, asperge your hands and pray:
"If the nymphs and half goat god
have been put to flight at the sight of me,
If my pruning knife has robbed a holy copse of shady bough...
Appease for us the springs and their divinities,
The deities dispersed through every grove appease..."
--Ovid, Fasti IV, also attributed to Virgil
Pales is (are) guardian(s) of cattle and sheep; at twilight, shepherds purified their sheep and cattle were driven between bonfires to smoke out insects lurking in their coats. After leaping the bonfire themselves three times, herdsmen would enjoy a feast, with wine and merriment for all.
Warm soya - milk mixed with wine - is today's libation. Honey is added too, in blessing that the region be the proverbial "land of milk and honey". Mixing milk with mead would probably work the same.
The foundation of Rome is associated with the Palilia (aka Parilia), commemorating the day Romulus built his city. After the 2nd century, Parilia celebrated the birthday of Dea Roma (Goddess of Rome).
All of Europe joins in on the open country revelry that is St. George's Day (April 23), a Christian equivalent of the Parilia. Patron saint of England, soldiers and the Boy Scouts, St. George has associations with Mars (in both his military and georgic aspect, the name George means "farmer") and with the Green Man of Beltane.
When I was a young girl, my neighbor, a retired farmer, used to call everybody, male and female, "George". And of course I must mention that April 23 is both the birthday and the name day of my lovely lynx-y Maine coon cat - Buon Onomastico, Giorgio!
This is a Grande Feria throughout Europe. My ancestors in the Bohemian lands would choose a boy to represent the "tree spirit," who, bedecked with birch and willow, traversed the cornfields on this day. In the evening, "Green George" is a leafy clad puppet thrown into a running stream (here you go, Pinocchio!) St. George: Christian Dragon Slayer or Pagan Green Man?
The 23rd day of Aprilis in Rome is the Feria Vinalia, a wine festival (vinum means wine) for Venus and Jupiter. Before Venus was domesticated as goddess of vinyards and gardens, this feria featured the Heterae, the dancing girls, professionals who often worked in troupes. They provided music and dancing during dinners...and were well compensated for their skillful services.
Shakespeare was born on April 23, and is it any coincidence that April 22, Earth Day, is also the birthday of St. Francis of Assisi. From ancient days, April 22 marked a festival of Ishtar, aka Inanna, Asherah, Ashtoreth, middle eastern earth mother goddesses of sexual fecundity.
Sun in earth sign Taurus marks the season of spring fullness; the soil is rich now and prime for planting. It is said that Taurus gives form to Aries potential.
Taurus the Bull is linked to La Festa di Santo Marco on April 24-25. There is a legend that a wild bull becomes very mild and obedient when called "Marco". Such bull is adorned with floral garlands, bread loaves trussed on the horns, and then paraded and fawned upon through the streets. Reminds me of Spencer's Faerie Queen poem, where "April rides in on a bull". (pictured above)
St. Mark whose holy day is April 24/25 is patron of Venice and is feasted with rise bise, risotto with new spring peas. In Genzano, near Nemi, (two of the hill towns just outside of Rome) his church is situated on a previous site of worship to Venus. When I was in Genzano, there was a street festival going on. We walked up the hill to the church, and there I received a gift and found some lovely mosaic on terra cotta tiles.
From the "Our Lady of Good Counsel" chapter in Our Lady of the Lost and Found by Diane Schoemperlen:
...in the tiny village of Genazzano, Italy, situated on a hilltop thirty miles southeast of Rome....this church...in pagan times, the site of a temple dedicated to Venus, the Roman goddess of love. When early Christians denounced her as a harlot, the temple was razed...Ironically enough, Venus eventually became a Christian saint called Venerina or Venere...It was Venus who was first known as Stella Maris, Star of the Sea. But now...the title belongs to Mary...
On April 25...with or without a thought to Venus, the citizens of Genazzano are honoring St Mark...
more info here. Scroll down to "The miraculous picture arrives in Genazzano" (there's even a reference to Our Lady's servant Giorgio ;)
I have a slightly different interpretation of "A lesson for our times" than the average Catholic; to me, the "Reign of Mary" means a Return of the Goddess - i.e. Nature, the supreme being of Pantheism , and her children - all of us - all species (and Fatima was once a shrine to the Goddess).
Call me crazy if you must, but I credit the miracle. I know from experience that in Genzano and Nemi extraordinary things occur!
Last week I drew the 8 Swords; looking at it I hear the Police sing "...and when their eloquence escapes me, their logic ties me up and..."
It's all too easy to get wrapped up in damned - if - I - do - damned - if - I - don't situations. It's push me pull you and someone gets hurt either way. Do you ever feel like a caged lion? Each sword is an obstacle to freedom. An obstacle made up entirely of words and thoughts and gossip and lies and truth and indecision. Since I also got this card last winter, it shows I have yet to determine how and why I'm imprisoning myself, which swords are impediments and which are my allies, who to believe and who to trust.
But not you "Valdemort" so don't waste your breath. Even if some of what you say is true. This card used to come up for me when I knew you before and now you're back and it's coming up again. To quote Mary Oliver in her Sweet Grass poem,
I mean the ones that thought to rule my heart.
I cast them out; I put them on the mush pile.
They will be nourishment somehow
(everything is nourishment somehow or another).
No longer mentioned. No longer even thought about. Mulch in peace.
Open to messages of good council, we can break free of these bonds. Let's keep the 8 but return to the Wands.
Let's bind the polluters and free the earth -
Happy Earth Day!
Universal Waite 8 Swords & Golden Tarot 8 Wands