Water is life.
This week's card is Ace of Cups. The Alchemical Chalice. It recently turned up as the final outcome card in the reading I received from Laurie at our tarot meetup group . It was also featured this past month as Tarot Card of the Week in Owls Wings, and the 8 as well. Owlsdaughter's card this week is Queen of Cups which is also on my recent Venice post. Early February's weekly Feria reading produced the 2 of Cups. Oh so many cups!
Some mystery schools ask that we dedicate ourselves to explore one of the four elements each year. Looks like this year I'm diving headfirst into water! Water is symbolically linked to our emotions and to our relationships that touch the heart. Riding the waves of a "water" year can be pretty turbulent. Although I'm happy to report that my love life is fulfilling, the realms of friendship are being tested and as I write this I'm not sure who's a true friend and who's a "frienemy" . Everyone's so nice to my face. But still there are rumours, innuendoes, there are undercurrents...
I work in a library where one of my assignments is to set up a promotional window featuring books and events. Usually I come up with my own theme, but for this coming summer I was asked to promote the Summer Reading theme which is, you guessed it, water. I do a new window every month. If my colleagues were to choose a tarot card that would signify me, it would probably be the 3 of Pentacles , which (I digress) is a key card for 2010, since it is linked with the Empress and the number 3.
Many are the events and celebrations coming up that are associated with Water. A small sampling of the most timely:
~ Sun is in Pisces, the Fish, a water sign
~ March 5 - National Day of Cornwall and Isis Navigatum
~ The March Full Moon is the Full Sap Moon; here the "water" is maple syrup, but also there are watery emotional references in the word "sappy"
~ March 22 is World Water Day (Reader, if you click only one link I offer here, I recommend this one! Or this more pro-active link ).
~ The Monday after Easter is associated with water in many places, also the Friday after Easter honouring Mary as Life Giving Fountain.
(Ace of Cups!)
There is a musician, Chris Ferree , who is frequently heard on Native Radio. Looking at the Ace of Cups, I hear his song Overflow (and his song The Invisible World is playing right now). Looking through the entire cups suit also conjures up Stevie Nicks' song Sara . I have a piano music score for it somewhere...
May Love Overflow into and from our hearts to heal all the wounds, both accidental and intentional, that each and every one of us have inflicted and/or received. This is forgiveness.
When the Power of Love trumps* the love of power, life flows abundantly and all is well.
Cosi sia
* In ancient Rome, a triumph was a parade of ancient origin. In ancient Rome, when a conquering general would return to the city, a triumph would be arranged down Appian Way. The parade was organized from the lowest to the highest, starting with the captives and ending with the general himself. The organizing principle in this heroic triumph was that each participant trumped the one who came before, until all of the participants are trumped by the hero in his chariot. (Robert M. Place, The Tarot: History, Symbolism, and Divination, Tarcher/Penguin, 2005, p. 109.