February 5, 2010


February in ancient Rome was the last month of the year and a time to purify the home and even the city itself in preparation for the New Year. Numerous Roman ferie during this month are all about purification, reparation of broken ties, wiping the slate clean to enter the new year fresh and clean.
The old Roman goddess Februa, who purifies and protects the home and is the mother of Mars (March), later merged with Juno to become Juno Februa, and this is how February (Februarius) got its name.  The whole month was a liminal time for the Romans, a month of transition from the old year into the new, from winter into spring.
And so this is the prime time for spring cleaning. I've been slacking on my household duties to work on this blog.  But this month (ok, at least this week), it will be vise versa and I'm gonna throw out alot of stuff that's been accumulating.  Also it's Superbowl weekend, which means cleaning both before and after this event, although Bob does most of it because it's his thing.  I'll probably say hello, eat with them, and then head out like I usually do, leaving the faithful congregation to enjoy their Ludi in earnest - and babysit their own kids. (Who says football's not a religion?)  Hmm, where to go this year...I'm thinking camp. Haven't been there yet this winter.
Besides house cleaning, this is also an optimum time to purify our bodies.  My son does the detox diet, I just simply "eat food, not too much, mostly plants".  I might go to a sauna / sweat lodge (not James Ray's!).  I always emerge from these like a new born baby.
Last week's tarot card was the Emperor again so I pulled another: 2 Cups.  Twin souls mirroring each other. I find that I mirror and am reflected back by everyone I meet, but it is rare indeed to meet a kindred spirit, much rarer still a twin soul. Linking this card to our currient Feria, Februa is related to Febris, (spring) fever love and romance...;)
Today I will pull a new card and any of you tarot enthusiasts reading this might want to do the same, or even a more complete reading, because today is the feast day of St. Agatha, a christianized version of Tyche-Fortuna, and so this day is considered especially potent for divination. Oh you guys will probably read this too late, if at all, so I better post something...will I ever get off this computer?