Every week for the past few months, I've been pulling a card (or two if the first card is reversed) and concentrating on various meanings of that card when compared between different decks.* Generally this is done on Sunday night and I thought I'd start by posting last week's drawing:
The first card was the Hermit, but since it was reversed, I drew another - the Sun.
My initial reaction was wow! here we are, in a week beginning in 2009 and ending in 2010, with two cards representing
- Father Time and Baby New Year
- Saturn(alia) and the Golden Age
- Longest Night and Sun's Rebirth
- Chronos and Sol Invictus
- Hermit key #9 (2009) and Sun key #19, 1+9 (2010)
But the Hermit is reversed, and the Sun comes out. This could mean that maybe it's time for me to be a bit less hermetic and get out more often. That doesn't come natural to someone with an excess of lynx medicine, trying to balance my reclusive nature with my curiosity about what's going on in the world and in the lives of family and friends. Of course we have things like Facebook, but I don't much care for it because everybody's using applications and playing games and taking tests, and sometimes I want to play too but my computer won't let me! And reading the news feeds is like hearing too many conversations at once. So confusing, and tough to decide who to respond to.
Like my daimon lynx, I'm a loner, and would rather surf the net than use it for socializing (other than finding fun venues to "pounce" on when it's not so cold and slippery). I think the Hermit card would be well represented by a lynx. Also like the lynx I love playing outside in the snow, and my husband and I have spent a lot of time romping out in it with our dog these past few days. So that could be what the sun represents, that even if when it means staying cooped up at home in snowy weather, there are always good opportunities to come outside and play :-)
*Some of us in the Tarot and Oracle meetup group are doing the one card comparisons, others, like 2010 A Soul Journey (by one of the groups organizers, Sylvia) focus on a specific deck. Her blog is here