November 20, 2009

The Huntress is a Muse

The month of the Archer, Sagittarius, begins tomorrow. Our local hunting season started earlier on in October and the infamous Wild Hunt commenced at Hallows. By now harvest is in and hunting's in full swing, and the dropping temperature inclines some of us to become more carnivorous, replacing fresh fruits and salads with chili, soup and stews. I don't think of the American Thanksgiving that falls during this season as a harvest festival but more of a "predators' feast" (more about that later...maybe)

The Leonid meteor showers that peaked last Tuesday can be imaged as multitudinous brilliant arrows shot from the crescent moon bow of the Huntress Diana - Artemis.  In the Roman calendar the entire month November is dedicated to Diana, and this Greco-Roman goddess along with Chiron the centaur are mythological archetypes for the zodiac sign Sagittarius.

November 22 is the feast day of St. Cecilia, one of the "canonized deities". Christians adapted the legends of venerable pagan gods and goddesses into those of saints; the ones they disliked became devils and demons. I see it going the other way now, where the god of the old testament is demonized among some modern pagans, but I digress.

St. Cecilia is therefore considered to be an aspect of Artemis Calliste (Gr. Kalliste, "most beautiful"), likely because Pope Paschal I discovered her bones in a Roman catacomb bearing the name Calliste. Artemis in her guise as  the "Lily of Heaven" Calliste (not to be confused with her beloved nymph Callisto) is, like Euterpe, a muse of music.

So it comes as no surprise that Cecilia is the patron saint of musicians and is still celebrated by music lovers with concerts and recitals. In art she is usually portrayed with a stringed instrument, but sometimes with an organ, which she is credited with inventing.

Some local musical events happening on St. Cecilia's Day this year:

  • CrossCurrents Culture presents "Notorious"  39th & Harrison
  • UMKC Conservatory opera "Handsel & Gretel"
  • "Wicked" at the Music Hall
  • Briarcliff Village lighting ceremony w/fireworks, a street organ grinder and other musical entertainment
  • KC Rep "A Christmas Story: the Musical" on the Plaza