(music: Epona by Enya)
Her Roman feria is in December, and I'm not sure when the Celts first assigned this day to her, but now is appropriate; Horse Fairs flourished June-September throughout Britain and Ireland since at least the pre-Victorian era. The most famous of these, the Appleby Fair in Cumbria, is always in June.
I've been dreaming of white horses lately, and they've been popping up in tarot readings. In the 6 Wands a mild and noble white horse carries the hero high above the mundane crowd like a water lily lifted above the murky water.
This week's featured tarot card, XIX The Sun, shows another beautiful white horse carrying the radiant child forward into a new a happy destination. The horse frees the rider from any constraint, enabling travel and exploration.
In shamanism, the horse is a psychopomp, the drumming hoofbeats leading the astral traveler in journeys through the Otherworld.
Some keywords for horse symbolism are beauty, chivalry, cooperation, dignity, endurance, freedom, friendship, grace, journey, loyalty, movement, nobility, power, service, speed, stamina, strength, travel, wildness, all of which well apply to my son, Philip, whose name itself means lover of horses. Also when he took my favourite personality test, Animal in You, he got the result of Horse.
The tarot Sun card also represents him to me, since he is my only son, and one of the brightest stars in my sky.